Terra Merhyem






2D & 3D Artist, Photographer, Performer, Choreographer, Dancer, DJ, Poet, Video artist, Curator…

TerraMerhyem’s Biography in virtual world (updated February 2022)

I am what I call a « 3D artist »: working with my computer to create 3D sculptures and 2D “paintings”. I am also a photographer, a writer/poet, a dancer and a video maker, I play concerts…. And as curator, I organized many exhibits with other artists…

* Pictural arts: 2D, Photos, Sculpture, Installations :
I came in SL January 2016 and since this time, I gave near 30 exhibits or/and art installations of my artworks – in LEA sims (I belonged a LEA sim twice), in SLEA (2021) and art galleries…

In my 2D and 3D arts I want to give insights to other worlds… To MY other worlds, with their strange inhabitants: manly gods, feline and so feminine goddesses, titans, mythological and fantasy entities, heroes, lovers… Big Cats, wolves, eagles… all living “elsewhere”… somewhere… deep in my mind…
I have inside me a fascination for the beauty/harmony of the human shape/face… And probably because of that: my art is figurative, often highly colorful, and it shows often beautiful creatures in “impossible” environments… I’m fascinated also by the fire, by the gold, by the strong metals, by the precious stones and the minerals, by the animals/creatures with fangs and claws or hooked beak, by the dialectic life/death, by the might and the cruelty of the Nature, by the deepness of the wide space/skies…
So, I think my pictural art/sculpture/installations tries to “extract” from the deepest of me archetypal figures and characters… And to show: Love, Sensuality, Eroticism, Feelings, Poetry, Shinings, “Mythological Sense”, Death, Highness, Might, Fantasy, Imagination, „feliness“… and sometimes also the “cruelty of life”…
Since the end of 2019, i began to be interested to create more abstract art works… … ♥ :* 🙂

*** Permanent exhibits (in SL) :
* Peace Gallery :
* The Galleries :

* Writings:
Furthermore I write novels, poetry… I published 6 books in SL: poetry, artworks and photography.

* Build / Art installation:
I create many art installations and build : for my exhibits, my concerts…

* Choreographer / dance-performances:
I create dance-performances… And my dances and/or my choreographies can be seen in quasi all of my exhibits/installations’s openings and concerts in SL… And in many of my videos also…

* Concerts, Performances:
Since 2017, I played near 80 concerts in various events and places. Usually, my concerts (and my dance-performances too) „tell a story“ in music, and many of them where/are also Performances with special environments, outfits, dances…

/// ***** MUSIC : the Sounds of TerraMerhyem

*** Info : in my concerts, I won’t play often hit-parade-well-known-musics. Naturally I have nothing against and I like many of them, but it’s just not “my style”…
*** I love: voices – vibrant and/or with particular tones of voices –, harmonious melodies, emotional songs, strange but beautiful musics, some French and other europeans songs, many little-known world musics, sometimes unusual sounds, authentic ethnic trance rythms (for instance: as an anthropologist, I participated IRL to voodoo and Amerindian rituals and ceremonies)… And also “gothic” darkwave, melodic tekno, epic, heavy metal… and Rammstein… And Wagner, Monteverdi, Verdi… And medieval and Renaissance musics…
*** This mean that what you will hear in my concerts* may sometimes sound strange… But I am sure, my Friend, if you come it will be with open ears, open mind and curiosity… to share with me my pleasure to chose and play for you the musics I love… ♥ :* 😊

* NB : My concerts are generally more „rituals“ and performances than „sets“ – that’s why they are called „concerts“ : i create generally special builds for them, often spectacular, and I use to invite some of the guests to dance with me on stage…


* My films machinima:

*** A: concerning LEA sims:
• “Baldur & Nanna” : (20 minutes – LEA2):

• “The Rhine Gold”: (22 minutes – LEA2):

• “Creativity Destroyed” (18 minutes – LEA12)

• “Orpheus and Eurydice” (18 minutes – LEA13)

*** B: others:
• Dance with the Nucleotides

• Remembering the Rainbow Warrior

* Black Grey White

• Blue Birds

• Amaterasu

• Darker and Darker

• Comet

• Abyss

• Roxy Particles Extravaganza Show – LEA1

• Sol, Norse Goddess of the Sun

• Medusa’s Dance

• Trapped

• O Death

* A Space Opera

* Many machinimas about my dance-performance „Terr-Avataras“ :


(4 of them are by Rofina Bronet taken during my performance)


My Flikr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/192279183@N07/albums
(I have not enough time to highly feed my Flikr)


My books published in SL:
By SchiZoid Books:
• “Erotika” (2016)
• “(Only) 2 or 3 Shades of Grey” (2017)
• “Avat / Eros” (2017)
• “Dancers !” (about dancers and choreographers in SL: 2017)
• “The Fall of the Titans” (about my exhibit in Diotima Gallery: 2018)
• “Artists in Second Life” (2018)

And : Divas & Costumes (2021)

(Updated February 2022)
